Day 9: Cybersecurity remains highest priority for MCNC

Cybersecurity requires the vigilance of everyone at every level of an organization. No single practice will guarantee that you will remain free from cyber compromise. MCNC approaches cybersecurity as a journey – learning and refinement are the only constants to keep pace with the cyber criminals.
MCNC is a trusted technology partner offering a robust portfolio of cybersecurity tools, services, and personnel to help solve today's most pressing networking challenges. On the ninth day of the 12 Days of Broadband, we turn our attention to MCNC's continued commitment to protecting clients against today's complex cyber threats while also preparing them for what's next.
NCCCS activates DNS Security Filtering
MCNC DNS Security Filtering is a cloud-based security service powered by Akamai’s Enterprise Threat Protector platform. This service protects against malware, phishing, botnet command and control, and DNS data exfiltration threats by automatically checking requested domains against Akamai’s real-time domain risk scoring engine.
This year, the MCNC Security Team successfully rolled out this service for the entire North Carolina Community College System (one of the largest community college systems in the United States). As of today, 51 campuses are using this service, of which, 48 were newly-protected in 2020.
Cyber Hygiene Superstars
Educational institutions, specifically public K-12 schools, provide the “soft targets” that hackers and cyber criminals seek. MCNC continues to be proactive in shoring up technology defenses by prioritizing cybersecurity on school networks in North Carolina.
The MCNC Security Team along with MCNC's Client Network Engineers are on pace this year to complete Cyber Hygiene Assessments for 50 public school districts throughout the state. Learn more about our Security Advisory Consulting.
Industry-Leading Compliance
MCNC successfully renewed a Service Organization Controls (SOC) Type II certification again this year. The SOC Type II standard verifies that MCNC is appropriately managing security risks and is serious about data protection and effective operations. MCNC has held this certification since 2018.
Know the Risks! Prepare for Threats!
Cybersecurity is an essential part of today's technology-driven society. With more than 40 years of supporting the technology needs of community anchor institutions in North Carolina, MCNC continues to collaborate with its clients and the vendor community to design, develop, and deliver technology services from the network layer to the individual. MCNC’s cybersecurity experts are available to provide security consulting from program review to helping fill gaps with an on-site CISO.
As cyber threats continue to grow and evolve, it will be the organizations that address cybersecurity from both a technology and behavior level that will be the strongest and most successful. MCNC’s cybersecurity professionals are ready to assist you in all areas of infosec and risk management.
Ready to get started? Visit MCNC Security to learn more.