MCNC offers job mentoring to Brogden Middle School students

MCNC will welcome students from Brogden Middle School in Durham on Thursday, March 22, for Students@Work, the annual job shadowing and mentoring initiative organized by the North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE) and N.C. Department of Public Instruction.
MCNC is pleased to join other businesses across the state for Students@Work which affords North Carolina students the opportunity to take part in job shadowing or job mentoring programs to help them connect what they are learning in the classroom with the real world of work.
March 19 through March 28 has been designated as Students@Work Week. This year’s program will impact thousands of students and involve hundreds of businesses statewide.
This initiative provides middle school students with exposure to potential careers in their local communities along with some of the technical and soft skills needed to be successful in those careers. Career awareness is the first stage of work-based learning, and direct experience with the workplace helps demonstrate to students the relevance of education to their future success.
The annual initiative centers its efforts around middle school students because middle school is a crucial time for dropout prevention and high school curriculum planning. Work-based learning includes career awareness efforts like Students@Work and expands into career exploration and career experience. These efforts strengthen North Carolina’s talent pipeline by enhancing important employable and technical skills.
MCNC is the non-profit operator of the North Carolina Research and Education Network, or NCREN. Students@Work is a great opportunity to introduce students to the world of networking technologies and related careers as technology and broadband connectivity play a massive role in the everyday lives of North Carolina citizens.
This is MCNC’s sixth consecutive year participating in Students@Work.
The NCBCE is a nonprofit comprised of business leaders from across the state focused on ensuring every student in North Carolina graduates from high school ready for life and work in a global society.
Students@Work is made possible by a grant from GlaxoSmithKline.
Follow and participate in conversations during Students@Work week on social media using #studentsatwork and/or #ncbcestudentsatwork. You also may follow directly on Twitter @MCNC, @DurhamPublicSch, @ncpublicschools, and @ncbce.
| MCNC will welcome students from Brogden Middle School in Durham this month for Students@Work, the annual job shadowing and mentoring initiative organized by the North Carolina Business Committee for Education and NCDPI.