#CapontheMove sees MCNC hat around the world

This summer MCNC introduced a unique hashtag and campaign: #CapontheMove.
You shared photos with us of the official MCNC cap being spotted in Paris, San Francisco, Michigan, Charleston, Hawaii, up in the air above Greenville, during the solar eclipse in August, at Harvard, and throughout the great state of North Carolina.
It’s been an enjoyable campaign seeing where the NCREN Community likes to go.
We have curated many of the cap sightings you’ve shared with us this year.

#CapontheMove campaign - take your MCNC cap wherever you go and share your photos!
Click here or the image above to access our Storify.
Please keep the images coming – especially during the holidays!
If you need an MCNC cap, please contact us so you can join in the fun. A limited supply remains.